
01 April 2004

Africa: KILIFI to DURBAN - June 2004

In 2002, we had finished the first leg of the trip--Kusadasi to Kilifi--after 5450 nautical miles.  We had arrived in Kilifi, Kenya on October 10, 2002.  Tentative plans were to start the second leg in May-June, 2003. 

April 11, 2004 - Aiming for May 2004 to sail Meridian from Kilifi to Richard's Bay, Durban. Horst and Andrey will fly from Cape Town, and I will fly out from here to join them.  KISMETSE...

April 13 - 5:00am trip to Bodrum tomorrow, with Ismail, Belgin, Osman and others. Underwater archeology meeting at the Bodrum Museum, with the folks at 360º ARASTIRMA GURUBU.

May 12, 2004 - Back from Istanbul--bought the Kenya ticket in Izmir and returned to Manal. After basic maintenance in Kilifi, we'll be off to Comor Islands and further down to Richard's Bay and Durban. Horst would like to be in Durban the end of July as Andrey is going back to Russia.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:49 AM - "Manal da son akşamım," last night in Manal.

May 27 - Start at 11:00 a.m., Manal to Izmir, then to Istanbul on Turkish Airlines, then to Dubai on Emirates Airlines, and then to Nairobi the next day, on Emirates again. Fly to Malindi on East African Airways, followed by a 1-hour taxi ride to Kilifi to meet Horst and Andree at the Kilifi boat yard, where Meridian is.

June 1 - We sail from Kilifi, heading out to Pemba Island. Strong SE winds and current force us to return to Kilifi as we make no progress.  We decide to stay until the 7th and give it another start. 

June 7 - Assisted by the motor and the genoa, we tack close to the shore for about 35 miles to Mtwapa, thus avoiding the current and the winds.

June 10 - Sail out from Mtwapa just long enough to tear the main sail in a squall, so we head back to port.

June 14 - After rigging the spare sail (made by Mehmet Ali Yelkenbicen, 2 years ago), and tacking close to the shore again, we sail to Gazi (57 nm.), Wasini Island, Shimoni (20 nm.), Moa Bay (22 nm.). Then to Tanga (21 nm.), via the Shundo, Wamba and Fungu Nyama reefs.

June 17 - Arrive in Tanga, Tanzania. Slow progress against the Southern winds and strong currents.  As we are pressed for time, the plans have changed: we will sail to Zanzibar, leave the boat there and continue on to Durban in November.

June 20 - We're in Zanzibar. Andree flies back to Cape Town on July 21, Horst and I will sail to Mayotte and leave Meridian there.

July 2 - Plans are still in flux, Mayotte seems a long stretch and harder to fly back home, so we might leave the boat in Dar es Salaam.

July 4 - Sailed at 3:30 am from Dar es Salaam under a moonlight, plans are to visit the southern shores of Tanzania and head out to Comorros. Low tide (!) at Koma Island -- Dinghy motor and oars got stolen in Kilwa Kivince, recovered the motor -- Two nights in Lindi -- Andre departs for Cape Town in Mtwara -- Horst and I sail South to Mozambique and then onto the Comoros.

August 1 - After stops in Grand Comore, police search on Anjouan, we're anchored in Mayotte. We will leave the boat here and I will be flying to Istanbul and Horst to Cape Town, on August 24th.

August 27 - Arrive at Manal. Plans are to continue the sail to Durban October 15.

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